Truly unique marketing ideas can translate into millions of dollars – literally.  As more and more businesses pop up in the market, the need for novel concepts is unparalleled. Whether it is offline or online marketing, organizations are always in search of innovative strategies that will set them apart from the pack and, more importantly, generate leads through increased traffic and sales.

Both online and offline marketing are equally effective if they are implemented the right way. Often times, your choice of marketing completely depends on what the product is. Let’s take an example: How do you intend to market a service such as web design? It would probably be much easier to market such a service through the use of banners, SEO or even through paid marketing campaigns such as PPC. Since services such as web design and web development are inclined toward the web, using the online medium for advertising your services is much easier and relevant. Therefore, when weighing the best medium for gaining exposure for your business, ask yourself questions such as, “Would this be something that will interest my clients?”, or“Is this the most professional way of marketing my product?”.

However, if you owned, say, a pizza delivery business, a more traditional approach such as flyer distribution to residential areas would likely be more effective and illicit a higher ROI than going online.

In short, in all cases, knowing your audience and how best to reach them is key to finding creative and innovative ways for promoting your business.